Mana Jangmook | Connect
Mana connect

Where I share ...

I was invited:
What you can study on the internet:
    Education Students Magazine for Schools, Parents and ..| Issu
    Publishing Going the entire way from idea to high end printing | LinkedIN
Books, Comic, Pictures,
    Publishing Value based entertainment and education | Meedee
Podcasts, Audiobooks, Music, Interviews,
    Interview Farm as a Service for Foodbaskets in Asia and Beyond | Podcast
Video, Vlog, TV
    Shorts Education in 30 seconds | Tiktok
    Opinion Lifelong learning for a smarter world | Youtube
Latest is here first:
    Printing Want to print in Laos? Test us! | Twitter
    Education Volonteers for the Book Festival Laos 2023 | Tiktok
Be there, meet and don´t miss it.
    Education From the stage at Vientiane Parkson | Book Festial Laos
    Farming Official opening of the SVL farmer training center | Savanahlao
Mana Bookfest